Personally Identifiable Information

$ whoami

$ id
uid=500(royce.davis) groups=10(realhax),20(servicenow),30(manning)

$ echo $HOME

I go by many names, here are a few in no particular order:

Husband & Father

My primary reason for being is to take care of and spend as much time as possible with my wife and my three daughters.

TBD photo the wife approves of


Since 2010 I’ve worked for various companies as a dedicated attacker. I’ve been a billable consultant, an independent 1099 contractor and an internal red team operator. My primary focus area has been adversarial testing against:

  • Enterprise networks
  • Cloud service providers
  • Mobile/Web applications
  • Physical offices
  • Wireless infrastructure
  • Employee Personell

Throughout my career I’ve written lots of scripts and tools, some of which I’ve spoken about at conferences or written about on my blog (which I’m no longer focused on)


Not everyone in my field agrees with me, but I believe learning things should be made as easy as possible.

For this reason, I started a company called RealHax with a mission to provide training and education that demystifies “advanced” hacking concepts.

The fist offering to come out of this effort was a 2 day in-person training:

Real Network Penetration Testing

An Enterprise Network Pentest Simulation


In November 2020, I published a book called The Art of Network Penetration Testing

It’s written as a manual for conducting what I refer to as a typical internal network pentest. The type of engagement I spent the bulk of my consulting career doing.

You can get your copy at Amazon, Manning and many other online book retailers.


As a teenager I wanted nothing more than to be the next John Mayer. While it’s clear that was never going to happen, I still enjoy performing for dozens of adoring fans on various Internet platforms.


Shortly after my first kid was born, I took a surprise interest in astronomy, particularly in astrophotography. Nearly a dozen years later I have what many (non-astronomers) would consider to be a pretty serious setup in my backyard. I don’t spend nearly enough time on the hobby to be really good at it but I love it none the less.